Dress The Heroes
Rich Giacopelli (center) Conquering MS “Holy Name is my MS home. The center is filled with caring and compassionate people who have become like family.” With wife Christine and sons Owen (left) and Ryan (far right) Fashions from Neiman Marcus SUSAN ZURNDORFER Conquering MS & Board Trustee With grandnieces ELLIE (left) and DANIELLE SUZUKI (right) Fashions from Macy’s The bad news is I have MS; the good news is I have the MS Center. Ellie and Danielle’s grandfather, my brother, was a patient of the MS Center 35 years ago when it first began and I am a patient now.” M S C E N T E R M O D E L S • S P O N S O R E D B Y LAPATKA ASSOCIATES, INC.
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