Updated Visitor Policy as of December 29, 2023: Learn More  
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Patient Rights

  201-833-3000    |      info@holyname.org

Patient Rights & Responsibilities

You Have the Right to:
  • be informed of the medical center's rules and regulations as they apply to your conduct.
  • expect privacy and dignity in treatment consistent with providing you with good medical and psychiatric care.
  • receive considerate, respectful care at all times and under all circumstances.
  • expect prompt and reasonable responses to your questions.
  • know who is responsible for authorizing and performing your procedures or treatments.
  • know the identity and professional status of your caregivers.
  • know what patient support services are available, including access to an interpreter if language is a problem.
  • have access to your medical records according to medical center policy.
  • be informed of the nature of your condition, proposed treatment or procedure, risks, benefits and prognosis, and any continuing health care requirements after your discharge in terms you can understand.
  • be informed of medical alternatives for care or treatment.
  • refuse treatment, except as otherwise provided by law, and to be informed of the consequences of your refusal.
  • receive access to medical treatment or accommodations regardless of race, sex, creed, sexual orientation, national origin, religion, physical handicap, or sources of payment.
  • know if the medical treatment prescribed for you is for experimental purposes and to give your written consent to participate if you choose.
  • participate in the decision-making process related to the plan of your care.
  • have access to professionals to assist you with emotional and/or spiritual care.
  • exercise your cultural and spiritual beliefs as long as they do not interfere with the well-being of others, or the planned course of any medical care.
  • participate in the discussion of ethical issues that may arise.
  • express concerns regarding any of these rights in accordance with the grievance process.
  • formulate Advance Directives and appoint a surrogate to make health care decisions on your behalf to the extent permitted by law.
  • request an itemized bill, the medical center must provide one and must answer any questions you have. You have a right to appeal any charges.
  • be informed by the medical center if your entire bill or part of your bill will not be covered by insurance. The medical center is required to help you obtain any public assistance and private health care benefits to which you may be entitled.
  • be transferred to another facility when you or your family has made the request, or in instances where the transferring medical center is unable to provide you with the care you need. To receive an advance explanation from a physician of the reasons for your transfer and possible alternatives.
  • have access to storage space in your room for private use. The medical center must also have a system to safeguard your personal property.
  • be free from physical and mental abuse.
  • be free from restraints, unless they are authorized by a physician for a limited period of time to protect the safety of you or others.
  • access protective services.