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About The Foundation

  201-833-3187    |      foundation@holyname.org

Holy Name Foundation Mission

Holy Name Foundation inspires philanthropy in support of innovation and excellence at Holy Name.

Holy Name is recognized for:

  • Our Compassionate Approach to Patient Care
  • Development of Innovative Solutions
  • Experienced Leadership

Donors make a difference for our patients every day in so many ways.

The Holy Name Foundation and its staff are committed to increasing the generous support needed to carry out the mission of Holy Name Medical Center.

Board of Trustees

The Holy Name Foundation Board of Trustees is a group of dedicated volunteers. The Board is made up of influential community leaders, business executives, and philanthropists and provides stewardship, guidance and leadership to the Foundation and supports Holy Name's fundraising efforts. We are grateful for their charitable leadership.

The current Board includes:
  • John M. Geraghty, Chairperson
  • Angelica Berrie
  • Joseph Coccaro
  • Dale A. Creamer
  • Cathleen Davey, President, Holy Name Foundation
  • Nicholas P. DiPaolo
  • James Dowling
  • Sister Susan Francois, CSJP
  • Fernando Garip
  • Daniel Leber
  • Margarette Lee, Esq.
  • Michael Maron, President and CEO, Holy Name
  • Terrie O'Connor
  • Richard Taylor
  • Leon Temiz
  • Frank Wong
  • Susan Zurndorfer
