Our approach
to bariatrics

can change
save them.

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If you’ve arrived here, it’s possible to reclaim your life.

Holy Name’s weight-management support, skills and experience can help reduce your risk of obesity-related health issues and give you life-changing results.

What does
bariatrics mean?

Bariatrics is the field of medicine related to the study and treatment of obesity. At Holy Name, our experts provide not only bariatric weight-loss solutions, but also the education, behavioral coaching, and emotional support you need to be successful in your weight loss journey.

Weight lost. Life gained.

The Center for Disease Control estimates that more than 40 percent of Americans are obese, meaning they have a Body Mass Index (BMI) score greater than 30. The higher your score, the more you are at risk for obesity-related conditions such as heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and more..

Is your Body Mass Index above 30? Find out now.

Calculate your BMI

WEIGHT: 50 lb
HEIGHT: 4 ft 2 in
Calculate BMI
Your BMI:

Bariatric surgery is
the most effective treatment
for obesity.

Holy Name Medical Center’s comprehensive bariatric center is accredited by the American College of Surgeons and the American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery. Our experts guide patients in every aspect of weight loss, including nutrition education and group support.

We offer the type of bariatric surgery that’s right for you:

Gastric sleeve or Sleeve gastrectomy

Gastric sleeve surgery is the most popular type of bariatric surgery. It removes about 80 percent of the stomach, leaving a narrow 'sleeve-Like' section about the size of a small banana. As a result, patients are less hungry, enabling healthier food choices. Gastric sleeve surgery also reduces cravings because it removes the part of the stomach that produces the hormone ghrelin, which causes hunger.

Gastric Bypass (also known as Roux-en-Y)

Gastric bypass is also known as Roux-en-Y. Surgeons create a small pouch that holds only a tiny amount of food and then reroute it through the digestive system. The procedure is minimally invasive, performed either laparoscopically (with small incisions) or robotically (guided by a computer).

Single anastomosis duodenal switch (SADI)

Single anastomosis duodenal switch restricts your stomach so you absorb fewer nutrients. It is recommended for people who have a large BMI (greater than 60), experience weight regain after sleeve gastrectomy, or have uncontrolled type 2 diabetes. Your surgeon removes 80% of your stomach, leaving a narrow sleeve the size of a small banana, and creates a new route for food to move through the small intestine. The sleeve can hold about ½ cup of food at a time. Because you aren’t absorbing as many nutrients, you will lose weight.

Lap-Band Adjustable Gastric Banding

The Lap-Band procedure limits the amount of food a person can eat to about half a cup at a time. It is the most simple of the bariatric surgeries and doesn’t interfere with normal digestion. It can also be reversed.

Learn More

Learn more. Live better.

Call (201) 833-3444

Want to learn more? Register for a webinar with our bariatric program director Dr. Omar Bellorin-Marin, one of our most distinguished bariatric surgeons. Find a provider or book an appointment now.