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Bariatric Services

  201-833-3444    |      info@holyname.org

We understand the struggle and frustration that comes with losing weight, and the role obesity can play in your physical as well as mental health. We know, for instance, that obesity can lead to other conditions, such as depression, diabetes, high blood pressure, sleep apnea, and more. Nearly one-third of Americans are considered obese, which means their body mass index (BMI) – a measure of height and weight – is 30 or higher. You are not alone.

At Holy Name Medical Center, we designed a program to treat obesity with bariatric (weight loss) surgery. These procedures reduce the size of your stomach, so you feel fuller, eat less, and lose weight. Weighing less can improve your quality of life and your health, and ultimately lower your risk of developing chronic or life-threatening diseases and illnesses.

Why Choose Us

Holy Name Medical Center offers a comprehensive weight loss program led by dedicated experts in the field.

Our patients receive personalized care from many experts, including:
  • bariatric surgeons
  • dietitians
  • exercise specialists
  • heart doctors
  • hormone specialists
  • lung experts
  • specially trained nurses and nurse practitioners
  • support groups

We want you to be comfortable with your decisions, so we take the time to explain your treatment options. Our care team partners with you to select the right procedure for you. And we are here for you after surgery, too, to continue to support your progress.

You and your care team will create a plan for your new lifestyle. One without the extra weight. This guide will give you the information you need to get started.

Benefits of Bariatric Surgery

You’ve tried diet and exercise. You’ve tried medical weight loss. When nothing works, weight loss surgery may be a good option.

Bariatric surgery helps you:
  • restrict your calorie intake
  • decrease your appetite
  • lose excess weight
  • maintain your weight loss
After bariatric surgery, your calorie intake decreases. For success, you must also make and stick with:
  • behavioral changes
  • dietary changes
  • exercise changes
  • vitamin supplementation
  • follow-up medical appointments
As you lose weight, your health will improve. Losing weight can lead to:
  • cured or reduced sleep apnea
  • fewer migraines
  • fewer symptoms of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease
  • less urinary stress incontinence
  • lower blood pressure
  • reduced high cholesterol
  • reduced type 2 diabetes symptoms
  • improvement in fertility
  • reduction of joint pain

Learn about the types of bariatric surgery we provide at Holy Name Medical Center and explore how we help you live well after surgery.

If you’ve tried other weight loss options without success, talk with your doctor to learn if bariatric surgery is an option for you.