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As another school year begins, it’s an especially important time to protect children against germs and get ahead of the cold and flu season. Dr. Mariell Dominguez German, a pediatrician at Holy Name, shares how parents can educate their kids in an age-appropriate way:

1. Wash hands frequently: Let's imagine your hands are superheroes who fight off bad guys called germs. In order to keep your superhero hands super strong, you need to wash them often. Use soap and water and wash for at least 20 seconds, the time it takes to sing Happy Birthday twice. Remember to always wash before eating, after using the bathroom, and after playing outside.

2. Cover up: Fall is soon approaching, so let's start using our shields to cover coughs and sneezes. Every time we cough we send out a bunch of tiny germ rockets. In order to stop these rockets from spreading, you should always cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or your elbow. If you use a tissue, throw it away right after and don't forget to wash your hands.

3. Hands off: Try to avoid touching your face because it loves capturing germs. If you touch any part of your face with dirty hands, the germs can get inside your body.

4. Sharing is caring: Germs love to hang out on everything, such as books, toys, and doorknobs. If you touch something that lots of people use, like a shared toy, be sure to wash your hands right after.

5. Stay home: If you’re feeling sick, it’s best to stay home and rest. This way we help keep germs from spreading to your friends at school.

6. Get backups: Tissues and hand sanitizer are good for when you are on the go. If soap and water aren’t around, hand sanitizer with at least 70% alcohol can help clean your hands.

Stay safe, little ones, as we prepare for fall and winter!