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Gentlemen, let's admit it…. We don't always prioritize our health.

Studies have repeatedly shown that a significant portion of men avoid regular check-ups with their doctor, skip recommended screenings, and often engage in behavior that poses serious health risks. As we get older, preventive health care becomes increasingly important, but reluctance to see a doctor may actually increase among men.

So whether you're nearing 40 or now way past it, it's worthwhile to view this infamous middle-age milestone as a turning point in your health.

Holy Name internist Dr. David Shaker shares the top 6 questions every middle-age man should ask his doctor:

1. What cancer screenings should I get?

Given your personal and family medical history, ask your doctor when to get a colorectal cancer screening and a full-body skin exam. Men over age 45 should also talk to their doctor about prostate cancer screening, and those over 50 who smoked for more than 20 years should get a lung cancer screening.

2. Should I check my testosterone levels?

Although declining testosterone levels are a natural part of aging, some men may experience symptoms like reduced libido, erectile dysfunction, increased body fat, and mood swings that could be attributed to low testosterone. A comprehensive evaluation by a healthcare professional is necessary to determine the cause.

3. Are there any supplements I should take?

Supplements are intended to complement a healthy diet and lifestyle, rather than replace them. Although some supplements may have potential benefits, it's crucial to approach them with caution and consider individual health factors. Always consult with your health care provider before starting any new supplement. They can evaluate your individual needs, medical history, and current medications to provide personalized recommendations.

4. My dad had heart issues. What can I do to prevent them?

Although family history can increase your risk of cardiac issues, you can take several steps to reduce your risks and promote heart health. Getting regular check-ups and blood work, adopting a heart-healthy lifestyle, eating a balanced diet, exercising regularly, and managing your stress can significantly reduce the likelihood of developing heart disease, even with a family history.

5. Do I need to have a prostate cancer screening?

The decision to undergo a prostate-specific antigen blood test or a digital rectal examination, which includes a finger prostate test, should be based on various factors, including individual risk, family history, and guidelines from medical organizations. Your doctor can give you personalized advice based on your specific health.

6. How serious of an issue is my weight?

It's important to address this issue as it can have implications for your overall health. Excess weight can increase the risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, certain cancers, and joint problems. It can also impact your energy levels, self-esteem, and quality of life.

It's essential to take a holistic approach to maintaining a healthy weight, which includes factors such as lifestyle, eating habits, physical activity, stress levels, and any underlying medical conditions. Together, you can work with your doctor toward achieving a healthy weight and improving your overall well-being.