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Ilan Kaufthal

Carpal Tunnel Relief Without Anesthesia

Holy Name Orthopediac - Ilan Kauftha

Many people who spend long hours using computers and phones for work may develop symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome, such as tingling, numbness, or swelling in their hands and fingers. That's what happened to Ilan Kaufthal.

“I’m an investment banker, I don’t do dental work, I don’t do stuff that’s repetitive with my hands except for [using] my computer and my iPhone,” he said. “I’m assuming those two things, and carrying a briefcase, in the years when carrying a briefcase was conventional, is probably what caused my carpal tunnel syndrome.”

In 2019, he had surgery on his right hand to alleviate the discomfort he was feeling, but by 2023 the symptoms in his left hand had become intolerable. He wore a wrist brace at night, which helped a little bit, but not enough. He was tired of the tingling and waking up in the morning and not having feeling in his hand when he was trying to shave.

Initially, he intended to have the same surgery he had in 2019, in which he would be anesthetized. Surgeries of that type often require blood work and echocardiograms to be performed beforehand, so Ilan was dealing with some logistical and scheduling frustrations. He was still waiting to have his surgery scheduled when he came upon an article by Dr. Joseph A. Rosenbaum in the Jewish Link newspaper.

Dr. Rosenbaum wrote about a “streamlined and improved approach to hand surgery” called WALANT (short for “Wide-Awake, Local-Anesthesia, No Tourniquet”). WALANT uses epinephrine, also known as adrenaline, which does the work of a tourniquet without the pain, in combination with a local anesthetic like lidocaine to numb the area. Patients are able to avoid undergoing anesthesia, which has a number of benefits.

For Ilan, the main benefit was convenience. Though his wife accompanied him to his surgery, he could have driven himself home if he wanted to. Patients who undergo anesthesia need to have someone with them to transport them home as they wait for the effects to wear off. He was also impressed by how painless and fast the surgery was.

“I felt a pinch and nothing more. It was completely uneventful in terms of pain,” he said. “I was able to get back in the car and go home. It healed up just as expected. No issues whatsoever.”

Dr. Rosenbaum takes a personal approach to following up with his patients after surgery. “I’m a guy who has a lot of questions about things,” Ilan said, “Dr. Rosenbaum couldn’t have been more responsive. I was able to communicate with him over the next couple of days.”

Ilan’s wrist is now completely healed, and he can shave every morning without issue. Overall, he described his experience with Holy Name as “human and warm” starting from the way he was greeted when he walked in the door. He feels that his experience with Dr. Rosenbaum speaks for itself, and he’s already referred a few friends with wrist issues. “It was just a wonderful experience that all patients should have the chance to experience themselves.”