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Real World Testing

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Real World Testing for 2024



This Real World Test (RWT) plan is intended to verify the adoption of WebHIS certified functionality.

The RWT plan will focus on certification criteria, represented as individual user stories for Ambulatory only care settings, Inpatient only care settings as well as user stories that are the same regardless of the care setting.

General Information

Developer Name: Holy Name Medical Center
Product Name:WebHIS
Version Number:1.2
Certified Health IT Edition:2015 Ed.
Product List (CHPL) ID:
Real World Testing Public URL:holyname.org/Policy/realworldtesting.aspx


The following elements are addressed for each User Story (listed above). Inpatient is the care settings where:

  • Testing methodology:
    • demonstrate real-world interoperability and conformance to the criterion requirements
    • include scenario and use case-focused testing
  • Description:
    • of how the test is performed
    • of how conformance is demonstrated
  • Schedule:
    • of key Real World Testing milestones;
  • Expected Outcomes:
    • based on feature adoption in the current year
  • Measurement/ metric:
    • all measures used to validate criteria
  • Justification for the Health IT Developer's Real World Testing approach
    • description of how the measurements/metrics selected reflect the adoption rate of each required Real World Testing element


The EHR analyzed in this Real World Test is WebHIS EHR designed to present medical information to healthcare providers in Ambulatory and Inpatient healthcare settings. The workflows in WebHIS help users with Transitions of Care, Electronic prescribing, public health initiatives and patient engagement.

The purpose of this testing is to validate the adoption of the current user interface and EHR capabilities and to provide evidence of usability within WebHIS. To this end, measures of real world utilization of interoperability features and functionality are captured during the testing.

Table of Content

Table of Content

  • § 170.315(b)(1) Transitions of care
  • § 170.315(b)(2) Clinical information reconciliation and incorporation
  • § 170.315(b)(6) Data export
Key Milestones Summary

Key Milestones Summary

Criteria Care Setting Measurement Period Date Date Key Milestones
§ 170.315(b)(1) Transitions of care - Send Inpatient 6/1/2024 - 6/30/2024 June, 2024
  • Confirm Ability to Send Clinical Documents to Trading Partner Brightree.
  • Confirm with Brightree that production data will be used, whether in an actual live environment or a copy of a live environment.
  • User confirms third party received documents.
June, 2024
  • TOC CCD generated and sent to Brightree by direct protocol.
  • User confirms successful delivery.
§ 170.315(b)(1) Transitions of care - Receive
§ 170.315(b)(2) Clinical information reconciliation and incorporation
Inpatient 6/1/2024 - 6/30/2024 June, 2024
  • HIM User navigates to Medical Records > CCDA Inbox.
  • User chooses the clinical document received from Trading Partner for a Patient.
  • CCD is validated to be conformant. Any errors found are available for review.
  • User confirms that the document has been matched and incorporated to the correct patient.
June, 2024
  • User determines if the patient's problems, medications, and medication allergies will be reconciled into WebHIS with no duplicates.
June, 2024
  • Calculate and compile metrics.
§ 170.315(b)(6) Data export Inpatient N/A N/A

Data export is currently within the scope of certification but will not be included in 2024 RWT activities as it is a time-limited criterion set to expire 12/31/2023.

170.315 (b)(1) (b)(2)

170.315 (b)(1) (b)(2)

Measure Description:

Send and receive Transition of Care (TOC) messages with other providers to close the referral loop. The patient's ePHI will be exchanged using a C-CDA 2.1 Care Referral or Referral Note and DIRECT secure messaging for data transport. Patient data from incoming TOCs will be reconciled with existing data in the EHR including, at minimum, the patient's problems, medications, and medication allergies.


We chose to concentrate on the aspects of this criterion that would:

  1. showcase WebHIS's streamlined approach to provider-to-provider patient referrals and transitions of care with the ultimate goal being higher quality patient care.
  2. eliminate as much risk of data entry errors as possible by transmitting patient data securely and electronically rather than relying on manual data entry for referrals.
  3. reduce the overall time burden of manual data entry.
  4. ensure private and secure transmission of patients' PHI.
  5. result in increased interoperability between disparate HIT systems.

Metric Description:

  1. Over 80 percent of outbound TOC's successfully received by Third Party.
  2. Average C-CDA grade from scorecard for C-CDAs generated from WebHIS is a "C" or better.
  3. Over 75 percent of trading partner's TOC C-CDAs successfully received by WebHIS.
  4. Over 90 percent of patients' problems, medications, and medication allergies from incoming TOCs are reconciled into the EHR.

Standards Implemented: (SVAP)


Care Setting:


Developer Info:

Holy Name Medical Center
718 Teaneck Road
Teaneck, NJ 07666
(201) 833-3000

Product Info:

Product Name: WebHIS

Product Version: 1.2


Methods Use to Demonstrate Interoperability:

HISP via Direct Protocol (SMTP)

Relied Upon Software:

DataMotion (Version 6.4)

Test Step Testing Procedure Expected Outcomes Key Milestone Date
1 Coordinate with Brightree for sending/receiving clinical documents using production data as described in this RWT plan.
  • Confirm Ability to Send Clinical Documents to Trading Partner Brightree.
  • Confirm with Brightree that production data will be used, whether in an actual live environment or a copy of a live environment.
  • User confirms third party received documents.
June, 2024
2 Patient has inpatient admission and discharge and data is captured in WebHIS.
  • CCDS data elements captured in EHR (system under test).
  • Care provider is able to create a C-CDA Release 2.1 Discharge Summary Document that also includes the discharge instructions.
3 User enters transfer disposition.
  • TOC CCD generated and sent to Brightree by direct protocol.
  • User confirms successful delivery.
June, 2024
* Next steps take place at trading partner.
4 Trading partner refers Patient B from TP EHR to WebHIS by generating C-CDA Clinical Document or Referral Note.
  • TP care provider selects WebHIS from directory of Direct addresses and initiates sending of Clinical Document.
5 In WebHIS, tester acknowledges receipt of valid Clinical Document.
  • HIM User navigates to Medical Records > CCDA Inbox.
  • User chooses the clinical document received from Trading Partner for a Patient.
  • CCD is validated to be conformant. Any errors found are available for review.
  • User confirms that the document has been matched and incorporated to the correct patient.
June, 2024
6 In WebHIS, the incoming data is incorporated via reconciliation into the Patient's existing medical record.
  • User determines if the patient's problems, medications, and medication allergies will be reconciled into WebHIS with no duplicates.
June, 2024
7 Calculate and compile metrics June, 2024

* Attestation

170.315 (b)(6)

170.315 (b)(6)

Measure Description:

Export all available data elements from the Common Clinical Dataset (CCDS) for a population of patients for use in a different health information technology product or a third party system. This export can be used for many purposes, including data portability when a physician practice switches to a new EHR platform.

Standards Implemented: (SVAP)


Care Setting:


Developer Info:

Holy Name Medical Center
718 Teaneck Road
Teaneck, NJ 07666
(201) 833-3000

Product Info:

Product Name: WebHIS

Product Version: 1.2


Methods Use to Demonstrate Interoperability:

Data export is currently within the scope of certification but will not be included in 2024 RWT activities as it is a time-limited criterion set to expire 12/31/2023.

* Attestation:

This Real World Testing plan is complete with all required elements, including measures that address all certification criteria and care settings.
All information in this plan is up to date and fully addresses the Health IT Developer's Real World Testing requirements.

Real World Testing URL: https://www.holyname.org/Policy/realworldtesting.aspx
Authorized Representative Name:Eduardo Morales
Authorized Representative Email:emorales@holyname.org
Authorized Representative Phone:(201) 833-3160