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Japanese Medical Program

  201-833-3310    |      jmp@holyname.org


As all sectors of the Asian population continue to grow in northern New Jersey, the Japanese community now numbers about 6,000 in Bergen County and 13,000 in New Jersey. The need for culturally-sensitive medical care was recognized by the administration and staff at Holy Name Medical Center, who created the Japanese Medical Program (JMP) to address the demand.

The JMP, modeled after the widely successful Korean Medical Program (KMP) started in 2008, joins the Chinese Medical Program (CMP), the Filipino Medical Program (FMP) and the KMP, all under the umbrella of Holy Name's Asian Health Services. The goal is to make Holy Name the hospital of choice for the entire Asian community in preventive care, treatment and follow-up attention.

Similar to the other Medical Programs offered through Asian Health Services, the JMP will have physicians, staff and volunteers who speak their native language and thoroughly understand the culture and traditions. The JMP also has a Japanese midwifery program under the leadership of Yoko Nagato, CNM, who takes care of delivery and maternity services for new mothers and babies. Outreach to the Japanese community through churches and community centers is ongoing and expected to grow in scope and frequency.

Many patients are nervous and fearful upon entering a hospital. Interacting with someone who looks similar and speaks the same language can reduce that anxiety. In addition, the same amenities that are offered through the other Asian medical programs are available to Japanese patients, including access to Japanese cuisine on the menu, Japanese newspapers and patient navigation services.


JMP (日本人向け医療プログラム) は、2008年に開始され、幅広く成功を収めているKMP (韓国人向け医療プログラム) をモデルにしており、CMP (中国人向け医療プログラム) とFMP (フィリピン人向け医療プログラム) とともにKMPに加わり、これらすべてのプログラムはホーリーネームアジアヘルスサービスの管轄となっています。このサービスの目的は、ホーリーネームメディカルセンターが予防ケア・治療・フォローアップにおいて、アジア人コミュニティ全体にとって最も良質な病院となることです。



連絡先: jmp@holyname.org, 201-833-3310 (phone), 201-833-3744 (fax) ご質問などがございましたら、お気軽にご連絡ください。