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Clinical Research

  201-541-6312    |      clinicalresearch@holyname.org


Holy Name is committed to providing comprehensive patient care and advancing medical research. The Institute for Clinical Research (ICR) at Holy Name Medical Center provides patients with access to clinical trials in areas related to the major health challenges in our community.

We strive not only to help advance our collective knowledge of these diseases, but to ensure that our patients have access to the latest treatment options, often only available through participation in clinical trials.

The Holy Name Institute for Clinical Research offers comprehensive resources for the oversight, management and conduct of clinical research. The ICR has:

  • Dedicated research staff & units:
    • Central Clinical Research Unit (CCRU)
    • Oncology Clinical Research Unit (OCRU)
  • Quality Assurance & Improvement Program:
    • Policy & SOP development & enforcement
    • Auditing
    • Training & Education
  • Human Subjects Protection Program:
    • Institutional Review Board
    • Policies & SOPs
    • Regulatory Oversight
  • Research Administration:
    • Study Start-up
    • Research Resources & Services
    • Pre/Post Award Research Finance
    • Research Communications
    • Research Training

For more information, please contact us at clinicalresearch@holyname.org.