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Diabetes Management

With the proper education and support, you can take control of your diabetes rather than having your diabetes take control of you. Through appropriate treatment options, basic information and taking an active role in the management of your diabetes, you can a lead full, healthy and productive life.

If left unmanaged, diabetes can often lead to debilitating and even life-threatening complications. Certified by the American Diabetes Association (ADA), The Diabetes Center at Holy Name Medical Center provides programs and counseling that reflect the highest standard of education for patients about behavior change, prevention and care during complications. Our goal is to help people who are living with diabetes to self manage their disease to prevent and/or delay possible complications.

Patients with diabetes receive counseling from a registered nurse and /or registered dietitian who are also certified diabetes care and education specialists. Holy Name's Diabetes Center offers:
  • General diabetes education: All types of diabetes and related illnesses, including metabolic syndrome, prediabetes, types 1 and 2, and gestational diabetes
  • Testing and monitoring: Why and when to test blood glucose; types of testing and monitoring devices and sensors, and how to operate them; glucose pump instruction; keeping a blood sugar log
  • Lifestyle guidance: Meal planning, carbohydrate counting, understanding food labels, exercise, lifestyle changes
  • Follow-up care: Assessment of A1c management; collaboration with your physician on medication adjustments
  • Ongoing support: Troubleshooting and motivation from our educators; diabetes support forum

The combination of education and emotional support provided by staff members helps patients avoid long-term complications from diabetes. Ask your doctor for a prescription for Diabetes Self- Management Education and Support (DSMES).

For more information or to schedule an appointment, call the Diabetes Center at 201-833-3371. Daytime and evening, group, and one-to-one counseling sessions are offered.