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EMS Services

  201-541-6320    |      info@holyname.org

EMS Services

Holy Name Medical Center's Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Department serves all 70 Bergen County towns, along with other nearby Hudson County communities, providing high quality life support services to people before and while they are en route to the hospital. It was the first hospital-based Basic Life Support (BLS) provider in Bergen County, and continues to operate 24 hours a day, seven days a week, answering 911 calls and transporting patients from one facility to another.

Holy Name's BLS is staffed with emergency technicians (EMT) and paramedics and includes the newest advances in equipment, technology and emergency preparedness. The EMTs are frequently relied on to fill the ever-widening gaps in local volunteer ambulance services while Holy Name's paramedics are called often for critical cases.

All Holy Name EMTs and paramedics are highly skilled and equipped to provide expert medical assistance during any type of emergency. They are trained in CPR, cardiac life support, trauma life support, incident command, and HAZMAT response.

Holy Name's emergency teams respond annually to nearly 13,000 calls and treat about 9,000 people.