Updated Visitor Policy as of December 29, 2023: Learn More  
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  HN Physicians   School of Nursing   HNH Fitness   Villa Marie Claire   Simulation Learning   Haiti Health Promise
Medical Partners Offices
Cardiovascular Specialists Pulmonary Specialists Obstetrics & Gynecology North Jersey Heart North Jersey Surgical Surgical Specialistss Primary Care Specialty Assoc. Urologic Specialties Women's Health Care

Diagnostic Assessments

  201-833-3094  The Pavilion    |      info@holyname.org


Admission, diagnosis & care

When patients arrive at The Pavilion they receive several types of diagnostic assessments to gather background information, determine a diagnosis, and initiate treatment. This process may include staff requesting medical records and contacting outpatient providers to coordinate care. In addition to psychiatric care, upon admission, each patient receives a thorough medical evaluation to identify and treat any medical conditions.

Once a psychiatric diagnosis has been ascertained, the attending psychiatrist will initiate medication management to reduce symptoms and facilitate stabilization. In addition to medication, patients are strongly encouraged to participate in our comprehensive group therapy program, which includes Psychotherapy Group, Psychoeducation Groups and Recreational Groups (e.g., exercise, arts & crafts, relaxation). Individual counseling is also offered on a daily basis. Overall, The Pavilion offers a unique blend of comfort, relaxation, and psychoeducation for patients in need of both stabilization and effective coping strategies for daily living.