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Cardiac Catheterization

  201-833-3211    |      info@holyname.org


Cardiac catheterization, also known as coronary angiogram, is a diagnostic procedure that enables a cardiologist to see blockages in the heart and arteries, confirm the presence of coronary disease and evaluate the heart function. It also allows the cardiologist to perform treatments such as angioplasty and stenting.

Holy Name's cardiologists use the latest advances in cardiac care to diagnose and treat coronary and artery disease. They treat each patient with skilled and compassionate care, using their expertise to provide comprehensive cardiac services.

During a cardiac catheterization, a catheter is inserted, from either the groin or the wrist, into a blood vessel and threaded to the heart. The cardiologist uses tiny instruments on the catheter to diagnose any cardiac issues.

If a blockage is found, an angioplasty may be performed at the same time. This involves placing a balloon at the tip of the catheter, which is then inflated at the narrowed area of the artery, making more room for blood flow. In almost all angioplasty cases, a coronary stent – a tiny, expandable metal mesh coil – is placed in the newly opened area of the artery to keep it from narrowing or closing again.

Holy Name was one of the first hospitals to offer cardiac catherization through the wrist, called a transradial cardiac catherization, and continues to lead the way in advanced cardiac catherization. Patients with cardiac concerns can be assured that Holy Name's interventional cardiologists are extremely experienced and provide the highest level of care.