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Occupational/Hand Therapy

  201-833-3085    |      physicalrehab@holyname.org

Occupational Therapy

In the course of daily living, people may sustain injuries or develop illnesses that can impair their ability to function normally. Occupational therapy is very effective in helping people regain their mobility, restore range of motion and eliminate pain.

Holy Name Medical Center has a large staff of specially trained occupational therapists who deliver skilled, customized care to help patients perform daily activities. After a thorough evaluation, they work with each patient to create a personal plan that best addresses the individual's needs, taking into account strengths and weaknesses. They understand the frustrations of not being able to perform simple tasks that once came so easily and help patients master movements for work skills, chores or leisure activities.

Holy Name's programs include:
  • Hand rehabilitation
  • Accessibility and adaptations of the home environment
  • Fabrication of orthotic devices and splints
  • Training for daily living activities
  • Upper extremity treatments to improve range of motion, coordination and strength
  • Visual/perceptual/cognitive skills, including computer-assisted programs
  • Wheelchair and Mobility Clinic

Occupational Therapy Appointment Request

Hand Therapy

Holy Name has certified hand therapists with expertise in injuries and disorders of the hands and arms. They work with patients in a warm and accommodating environment to help restore function and enable patients to return to a productive lifestyle. They meet with each patient individually to design an exercise routine that enables them to perform tasks they have been unable to do since they experienced a disease flare-up or were injured.

Conditions commonly treated include:
  • Hand surgery
  • Amputation
  • Arthritis
  • Burns, fractures, and lacerations
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome
  • Joint replacements
  • Shoulder injury
  • Tendon and nerve injuries
  • Tennis Elbow

Certified hand therapists are available at two locations:

Teaneck location: 201-833-3085

Oradell location: 201-265-1076

Prescriptions are required to schedule an appointment.

Hand Therapy Appointment Request