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Sports Medicine

  201-833-3909    |      info@holyname.org

Sports Medicine

Holy Name Medical Center's Sports Medicine Program is dedicated to treating and preventing injuries related to sports and exercise. The highly skilled staff specializes in helping patients maintain their health and recover from sports-related conditions such as concussions and over-use injuries.

Patients and staff members work together to create individualized exercise and treatment plans that help speed up recovery and address individual needs, from cardiac rehabilitation to Tommy John shoulder conditions.

Directed by J. Christopher Mendler, MD, a board-certified sports medicine specialist, the comprehensive hospital-based program is much more than a single medical practice. The collaborative effort of specialists from varied disciplines helps patients get "game ready" as quickly and safely as possible.

In addition to addressing general sports injuries, the Sports Medicine Program specializes in the following:

  • Sports-related concussions
  • Activity-related overuse injuries
  • Wellness and fitness counseling services
  • Treatment plans tailored to each patient
  • On-site physical rehabilitation in Teaneck and Oradell

Office Visits

Dr. Christopher Mendler and his staff have the expertise to evaluate and manage all types of sports and activity related concerns, from sprained ankles and tibia stress fractures to tennis elbow and Little Leaguer's shoulder. They provide highly skilled care to a variety of patients – youngsters, classic "weekend warriors," recreational walkers and gardeners, as well as elite level athletes.

During visits, patients should wear comfortable clothes that accommodate their injury. Please bring any records or test results created by a previous provider as these can be very helpful in designing a treatment plan.

New patients should arrive a few minutes prior to their appointment to allow time to complete necessary paperwork. Feel free to download the Patient Intake Forms to facilitate the visit.

Concussion Management

Holy Name's Sports Medicine Program has been treating and managing concussions long before the state passed a law requiring that any high school athlete suspected of having a concussion be "cleared" by a physician to return to practice or games.

Dr. Christopher Mendler and his staff use a combination of traditional clinical assessments combined with computer-based balance appraisals and cognitive screening tools (including ImPACT and AXON testing) to evaluate suspected concussions. They also review diverse areas of brain function, such as memory and concentration, balance and coordination, and behavioral and physical changes to best determine the absence, presence, or resolution of a concussion.

No two concussions are alike so staff members individualize treatment plans for each patient while following best practice guidelines. The goal is to get the athlete back on the field as soon as it is safe and appropriate to do so.

Staff members work with active treatment protocols in athletes with persistent post-concussive syndrome when the approach is determined to be effective.

Dr. Christopher Mendler is a recognized Certified ImPACT Consultant (CIC) provider for schools and athletic programs that utilize the ImPACT computer-based concussion management tools.

Athletic Assessments

The traditional medical model has long focused on treating injuries after they occur. Holy Name Medical Center's Sports Medicine Program goes beyond this focal point and strives to help patients reach their goals, be it recreational ball or an Olympic dream: "Faster, Higher, Stronger."

A menu of Athletic Performance Assessment options is available to meet individual needs and goals:

  • Standard state-approved high school sports physicals
  • Comprehensive biomedical review to try and identify "at risk" issues prior to injury, pain or discomfort
  • Determination of current level of fitness to determine heart rate training zones

Regardless of ability level, the Sports Medicine Program can help patients reach their health, wellness and fitness goals.

Educational Programs

The Sports Medicine Program at Holy Name Medical Center is just as committed to educating patients and their caregivers as it is to patient treatment and care. It provides a number of educational programs geared towards patients, parents, athletes, coaches, officials, certified athletic trainers, nurses, physicians and others. Programs are offered at HNH Fitness in Oradell and Holy Name in Teaneck.

Rutgers S.A.F.E.T.Y. Program – This program, developed by the Rutgers University Youth Sports Council, provides the standard curriculum for volunteer coaches required by many recreation and municipal athletic programs to meet the legal requirements of New Jersey's "Little League Law." For information or to register, email mendler@holyname.org.

Dr. Christopher Mendler is available for speaking engagements at organizations' locations. He has been a featured speaker on several television and radio programs, given numerous interviews for newspaper and magazine articles and has lectured at national professional meetings. Dr. Mendler also provides workshops for medical professionals, school systems and athletic programs.