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Genetic Counseling

  201-833-7295    |      geneticcounseling@holyname.org

Home  /   Cancer Care  /   Genetic Counseling


If you have been diagnosed with cancer or have a family history of cancer, you may want to consider a hereditary cancer risk assessment. The Cancer Genetics Program at Holy Name Medical Center offers a comprehensive evaluation for individuals and families concerned about a higher risk of developing cancer.

Holy Name's experts can provide you with a thorough risk assessment for cancer, the latest information about hereditary factors and a personalized care plan. Specialists use advanced multi-gene testing, which examines a large number of genes that may elevate the risk for the disease. It also improves the ability to identify the hereditary cause for many cancers.

For more information, please call the Cancer Genetics Program at 201-833-7295 or 201-541-6303.