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Types of Bariatric Surgery

  201-833-3444    |      info@holyname.org

There are many types of weight loss surgery. Holy Name Medical Center is one of the few hospitals in the region that uses robotic surgery for all bariatric procedures. This technique lets our doctors access hard-to-reach areas while reducing stress on the body.

Robotic-assisted surgery means you:
  • experience less postoperative pain
  • have a reduced hospital length of stay
  • often only need over-the-counter pain medicine
  • recover faster

Robotic Bariatric Surgery at Holy Name

We perform multiple types of bariatric surgery. You and your doctor will choose the best procedure for you.

Gastric Sleeve

Gastric sleeve (sleeve gastrectomy) is the most popular form of bariatric surgery in the U.S. The procedure:

  • cannot be reversed
  • causes little postoperative pain
  • allows patients to move around on the same day as surgery
  • usually requires a one-night hospital stay
How it works:
  • Your doctor removes 80% of your stomach. A narrow sleeve the size of a small banana remains.
  • The sleeve can hold about ½ cup (4 to 5 ounces) of food at a time.
  • You feel fuller and eat less.

One benefit of gastric sleeve surgery is that it does not affect the absorption and digestion of food and nutrients. After gastric sleeve surgery, your body also makes less ghrelin, also known as the hunger hormone. When you feel hungry less often, you can make better food and lifestyle choices.

Gastric Bypass

A Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB) divides the stomach into two parts. It is reversible.

How it works:
  • Doctors create a small pouch from your stomach, about the size of an egg. This becomes your new stomach.
  • Your doctor connects your new stomach directly to your lower small intestine, so you can only eat a tiny amount of food before feeling full.
  • The remaining part of your stomach and the intestines make enzymes and digestive juices to help with digestion.
  • The smaller stomach does not absorb many calories or nutrients, so you must take daily supplemental vitamins after this surgery to ensure proper nutrition.
Single anastomosis duodenal switch (SADI)

Single anastomosis duodenal switch restricts your stomach and makes it absorb less nutrients. It is recommended for people who have a large BMI (greater than 60), have experienced weight regain after sleeve gastrectomy, or suffer from uncontrolled type 2 diabetes. The procedure:

  • cannot be reversed
  • causes little postoperative pain
  • allows patients to move around on the same day as surgery
  • usually requires a one-night hospital stay
How it works:
  • Your doctor removes 80% of your stomach and creates a new route for food to move through the small intestine. A narrow sleeve the size of a small banana remains.
  • The sleeve can hold about ½ cup (4 to 5 ounces) of food at a time.
  • You feel fuller and eat less.
  • Because you aren’t absorbing as many nutrients, you will lose weight.
Adjustable Gastric Banding

Gastric banding (lap-band) is a procedure that restricts your stomach. Today, it is the least popular bariatric procedure. Gastric banding:

  • can be reversed
  • does not affect normal digestion
  • is customized for you
How it works:
  • Doctors wrap a band around your stomach, creating an hourglass shape. The stomach sections stay connected.
  • The new shape limits the amount of food you can eat to about ½ cup at a time.
  • You digest food more slowly as it passes from the upper to lower stomach section.
  • You feel fuller faster and longer.

Gastric banding requires frequent follow-up appointments. Your doctor tightens the band over time. This adjustment reduces the amount you can eat. You see gradual weight loss. The band can stay in place as long as the patient wishes.

Revisional bariatric surgery

If you had a prior bariatric surgery and are experiencing weight regain, you may be a candidate for revisional surgery. After a thorough workup that includes imaging and an endoscopy, you and your doctor will discuss if a revision procedure can help you lose additional weight.

For more information about bariatric surgery at Holy Name, call us at 201-833-3444.