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  Mammogram Appointment Request
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Mon - Fri: 7:30 AM - 5:30 PM

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855-602-9757 (Mon-Fri)
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Holy Name Medical Center now offers 3D mammography at no additional cost to patients. 3D mammography is an advanced technology that plays a critical role in the early detection of breast cancer and can be done in conjunction with a standard 2D digital mammogram.

A 3D mammogram captures multiple images (slices) of the breast from several angles, creating a layered 3D breast impression. The radiologist can then review the breast, one thin slice at a time, almost like turning the pages of a book. The screening is done at the same time as the 2D test, requiring no additional compression or extra time.

Holy Name started offering 3D mammography to patients after several large studies indicated that a 3D mammogram is a more accurate screening and finds some cancers approximately 40 percent earlier than a 2D mammogram alone. It also dramatically reduces the chance - by 40 percent - of patients being called back for additional imaging.

A 3D mammogram is approved for any woman undergoing a standard 2D screening. The same amount of radiation - a very low dose - is used for both types of tests, well within the FDA safety standards for mammography.