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Holy Name Medical Center provides the full spectrum of advanced, compassionate breast surgery services that address all areas of breast health. Our dedicated board-certified, fellowship-trained breast surgeons are skilled in all types of breast surgery for malignant and benign breast diseases.

Director of Breast Surgery Erika Brinkmann, MD, FACS collaborate with all members of Holy Name's breast health team to provide personalized, culturally sensitive breast care for every patient. They work closely with the medical center's medical oncologists, radiation oncologists, plastic/reconstructive surgeons, and other team members to achieve the best possible medical, aesthetic, and quality-of-life outcomes for patients with breast cancer.

Specialized Breast Surgery Services:
  • Prophylactic mastectomy
  • Sentinel lymph node mapping for cancer staging
  • Surgery for benign breast disease
  • Collaboration with plastic/reconstructive surgeons for enhanced breast appearance, including state-of-the-art flap reconstruction with microvascular specialization
  • Oncoloplastic breast surgery expertise
  • Breast conserving hidden-scar surgery (lumpectomy)
  • Nipple-sparing and skin-sparing mastectomy
  • Disease-specific breast cancer team approach
  • Clinical trials
  • Care of high-risk patients
Signs and symptoms to report to your health care provider:
  • Changes in the appearance of the nipple or breast
  • Dimpling around the nipple or on the breast skin
  • Lump in the breast or underarm
  • Nipple discharge
  • Nipple turning inward
  • Rash or redness of the breast
  • Swelling or skin thickening of the breast

For most people with breast cancer, surgery is part of the treatment process. Whenever possible and depending on the patient's preference, highly skilled breast surgeons at Holy Name perform breast-conserving surgery. They also use a wide range of advanced surgical techniques for breast reconstruction.

Prior to breast surgery, Holy Name's breast surgery team will explain what to expect before, during and after surgery and answer any questions. During surgery, the anesthesiologist keeps the patient comfortable and helps minimize post-operative nausea and pain. A pathologist will evaluate tissue samples to determine the final diagnosis and stage of the tumor.

  • Breast conservation therapy (lumpectomy, partial mastectomy) - The tumor is removed along with some of the surrounding tissue. Lumpectomies may be recommended for women who have smaller tumors and are usually out-patient procedures.
  • Mastectomy - This procedure involves the complete removal of the breast, usually including the nipple and areola. A mastectomy may be recommended for the following types of patients:
    • Men with breast cancer
    • Women who have previously had radiation to the breast
    • Women with multiple or large tumors in the breast
    • Extensive ductal carcinoma in situ across a large area of the breast
    • Women with a strong family history of breast cancer or who test positive for certain genetic mutations
Type of mastectomies:
  • Total simple mastectomy is the removal of the breast, nipple and areola. No lymph nodes are taken from the armpit area.
  • Modified radical mastectomy includes taking lymph nodes as well as the breast, nipple and areola.
  • Skin-sparing mastectomy is the most common form of breast cancer surgery performed at Holy Name. This procedure keeps the outer skin of breast intact while the breast, nipple and areola are removed. It allows for a better breast reconstruction result. A tissue expander may be placed in the chest in preparation for later reconstruction.
  • Preventive/prophylactic mastectomy removes one or both breasts in order to dramatically reduce the risk of developing breast cancer. Women who test positive for certain genetic mutations such as BRCA1 and BRCA2, or who have a strong family history of breast cancer may elect to do this surgery.